2021 Alumni Business Performance Survey

2021 Alumni Business Performance Survey

Dear ,

FATE Foundation is carrying out a survey to collect data from entrepreneurs like you supported between 2017- 2021. We have developed the following survey to receive data to evaluate outcomes of our support based on your business performances since your programme. The data received will also help us evaluate the effect of our programmes on your business for programme restructuring and what kind of support you would require from FATE Foundation over the next couple of years. The effectiveness of this survey is very dependent on the quality of information you provide and we solicit your support to fill the survey as honest & explicit as possible and with as much information as would be useful to us. The information gathered will only be used internally. Insights from the data received will be used for reporting to the board & management and enhancing our program design.

Above is the result of the survey we carried out last year on the entrepreneurs we supported in 2019 & 2020 and the impact their businesses have made post their programme with us. 

Thank you.Regards,FATE Foundation

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