FATE Foundation's March Newsletter📜

FATE Foundation's March Newsletter📜

  March 2, 2022Dear ,Funny how time flies, they say. It's the beginning of the third month of the year, 2022 and we are more than elated and grateful to be part of it. As always, we are excited to bring you more update on FATE Foundation's Rebranding to serve you even better as well as keep you informed on our upcoming programs and events. We won't leave out opportunities that we are certain will be of great benefit to you and your entrepreneurial journey. 

Our Brands

The FATE School is a sub brand of FATE Foundation that focuses on entrepreneurs that was created to harness the strong entrepreneurial culture of Nigerians by providing aspiring entrepreneurs business incubation, growth and accelerator support required to fully explore their innovative potential, to start, grow and scale their businesses. So far, The FATE School has reached and impacted over 190,000 entrepreneurs and we are not about to stop!We are extremely passionate about contributing to the United nations Sustainable Goals and we have been able to play our part by focusing on SDG 4 (Quality Education), SDG 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth) and 9 (Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure). We are evolving to serve you even better.

The start of our journey into Research and Policy was inspired by the many questions we were asked covering all areas of entrepreneurship that we didn't have answers to especially some crucial questions that became frequently asked.Hence, The FATE Institute was created from the thorough lack of data around entrepreneurship in Nigeria to help people in this space and to drive strategic decision-making by policymakers and other stakeholders. In 6 years, we have built strong foundation in Entrepreneurship Research and Policy, by publishing 13 research papers and being at the forefront of policy recommendations through our dialogue series.  We are proud to have pioneered the first-ever publicly available research on the entrepreneurship Ecosystem in Nigeria and we will continue in the quest for creating more.

The FATE Giving is a sub brand of FATE Foundation created to enhance our national impact and to ensure  that our philanthropic activities is more structured under an institution.The FATE Giving was born with a focus on some social areas, which include:✓ Socio-Cultural (Yoruba)✓ Health✓ Education✓ GovernanceOur recent success story is the establishment of The FATE Philanthropy Coalition for COVID-19 (FPCC) Support Fund where a total of $1,000,000 was raised and distributed to support ongoing national and local efforts to strengthen public health infrastructure in anticipation of further strains and pressures from the COVID-19 Pandemic.We will keep you update on more activities coming soon from The FATE Giving!We are getting better.

Our Upcoming Programmes 

EEP Information Session

Wondering how the Emerging Entrepreneurs Programme (EEP) can help you take your business to another level of growth and advancement?Worry no more! We have designed the EEP Information Session, where you will listen to key Faculty and EEP Alumni on how to make the best of the program on Thursday at 11:00am. You will also be exposed to the different offering and key resources you have access to during and after the programme.Don't miss the EEP Information Session that is scheduled to hold tomorrow, Thursday, March 3, 2022 by 10am.

Alumni Business Performance Survey

We are currently carrying out a survey to collect data from entrepreneurs like you supported between 2017- 2021. We have developed the following survey to receive data to evaluate outcomes of our support based on your business performances since your programme. The data received will also help us evaluate the effect of our programmes on your business for programme restructuring and what kind of support you would require from FATE Foundation over the next couple of years. The effectiveness of this survey is very dependent on the quality of information you provide and we solicit your support to fill the survey as honest & explicit as possible and with as much information as would be useful to us. The information gathered will only be used internally. Insights from the data received will be used for reporting to the board & management and enhancing our program design.

Above is the result of the survey we carried out last year on the entrepreneurs we supported in 2019 & 2020 and the impact their businesses have made post their programme with us. 

Good News! Our Business Consulting & Advisory Sessions resume this month of March 2022. To serve you better, kindly take a few minutes to complete this short survey. Click HERE to fill the survey. We are excited & look forward to welcoming you soon! 

Journeys in Entrepreneurship, Season II

As an entrepreneur looking to build a profitable and sustainable business, one great way to build your knowledge base is by learning from people who have gone ahead in our chosen fields of endeavour.Journeys in Entrepreneurship(JIE) is our audio & video podcast series that enables us to have a conversation with successful entrepreneurs, who through challenges and lessons learnt built sustainable businesses in different sectors. These conversations are enriched with lessons, insights and opportunities to better improve your entrepreneurial skill. At the fourth episode, we featured Dr Nnaeto Orazulike, Managing Director, Genesis Group Nigeria and Titus Igwe, CEO Variety Chef Kitchen.You shouldn't miss this episode that will be premiered by 4pm on Friday, March 4th, 2022.Anticipate!

The FATE School is using this opportunity to give a big shout out to all our volunteers, who celebrated their birthdays in the month of February, 2022. You are special to us.We wish you a year of greater impact and success Cheers to building many more lives and businesses! Happy Birthday!

The Nigerian Entrepreneur's Handbook Series: Now Available on Amazon

Hip! Hip! Hurray!News Flash: You called and we responded!We are more than excited to  inform you that The Nigerian Entrepreneur's Handbook Series is now available on Amazon. You can now get your copy by placing your order on Amazon.Kindly log on to www.amazon.com and search for "The Nigerian Entrepreneur's Handbook Series" to order your copy.P.S: You can now tell your friends, family, business associates  that are in diaspora that our handbook series is now available for order on Amazon. 

Have you purchased our recently launched book on How to Start a Fish Farming Business in Nigeria?Featuring a very detailed workbook, this book comes highly recommended for aspiring and existing fish farmers looking to leverage or maximize opportunities within the industry. It is now available in hard copy at N3,000. To place your order, kindly visit our website at www.fatefoundation.org/books or call Israel on 08161843773 Hurry! Grab your copy now.

MSME Data in Nigeria Update

2020 MSME Survey Report - What we knowThere was a decline in the total number of MSMEs in Nigeria in 2020 when compared with the figure reported in 2017.

  • Small & medium enterprises have been on a positive trajectory

  • GDP contribution by the MSME sector anchored at 46.31%

We hope you got value. We will keep updating you from time to time for more.Happy New Month!Regards,FATE Foundation

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