Introducing: The Dean & Director of The FATE School, FATE Foundation

Introducing: The Dean & Director of The FATE School, FATE Foundation

Dear ,We are excited to announce the appointment of Mr. Adebambo Adebowale as the Dean of the FATE School and Director of FATE Foundation effective May 2022. The FATE School of the FATE Foundation delivers all our training, mentoring, advisory and resource linkage programs to enable aspiring and emerging Nigerian entrepreneurs start, grow and scale their businesses.As the Dean, Bambo will oversee the strategic leadership and direction of the FATE School’s curriculum, programming and impact focused strategies across our incubation, pre-incubation, owner-manager and accelerator programs.Bambo brings to this role over 2 decades of experience in providing capacity building, mentoring and advisory support to the small and medium enterprise space in Nigeria including being a volunteer of the Foundation since 2002 where he has served as Faculty, Advisor, Mentor and Course Director across all our key flagship programs. His expertise includes business planning and strategic planning, financial management, investment readiness and growth advisory support to entrepreneurs. He is also the recipient of two FATE Annual Awards for Faculty and Advisor of the Year awards. He has over 25 years of experience in the corporate sector.He has over 25 years of experience in the corporate sector. Prior to joining FATE Foundation, Bambo was the Head of Business Development at Mitsubishi Corporation, Nigeria & Ghana. His previous professional experiences included the UK Inland Revenue Service, PwC, and General Electric’s European Equipment Leasing Business.Bambo is an active member of the Lagos Chamber of Commerce and Industries having previously Chaired the Auto & Allied Sector group. He serves on the Boards of several non-profit organisations as a trustee and director and also provides advisory support to businesses on venture capital, systems integration and automotive systems. He is a lover of golf, cricket and farming. He played the character, Otunba Ayodeji in the Nollywood film, “2 weeks in Lagos”.We are happy to introduce Bambo to the FATE Foundation community of entrepreneurs, volunteers, partners and the public.Thank you.Kind regards,FATE Foundation