Report on the 6th FATE Foundation Policy Dialogue Series on Entrepreneurship

Report on the 6th FATE Foundation Policy Dialogue Series on Entrepreneurship

Report on the 6th FATE Foundation Policy Dialogue Series on Entrepreneurship

Dear ,

I will like to thank you immensely for taking the time to be a part of our 6th FATE Foundation Policy Dialogue Series on Entrepreneurship which held on Tuesday, December 1, 2020 in two parts: A policy dialogue conversation in the morning followed by an ecosystem mapping workshop in the afternoon. Your presence contributed to the success of both programmes and enriched the conversations.Following the conclusion of the dialogue, our next steps include:

  • Development of a programme report highlighting key points and recommendations discussed at the dialogue;

  • Distilling key recommendations into actionable steps that will be implemented through our policy advocacy work;

  • Incorporating ideas and suggestions shared at the dialogue into the ongoing development of the Enterprise Data Map platform which is being developed by FATE Foundation to capture and aggregate data on entrepreneurship ecosystem players in Nigeria. This platform will be launched early next year.

Please click to download the full report or the summary report on our Policy Dialogue programme. You can also watch the full videos on the Policy Dialogue and the Ecosystem Mapping Workshop on the FATE Foundation YouTube channel.Thank you again for your presence at our Dialogue this year. We trust that we can continue to count on your support as we build on our research and policy advocacy efforts around entrepreneurship in Nigeria.Best regards,Adenike Adeyemi