Special Appreciation for Volunteering as a Facilitator

Special Appreciation for Volunteering as a Facilitator

Dear ,

You are precious to us at FATE Foundation and to the entrepreneurs you have empowered in August.  Lives are getting better and businesses are taking on a pleasant shape because of your dedication and commitment to support these businesses and our work at FATE through your knowledge and skill. FATE Foundation is fortunate to have you and we are grateful to you for rendering a selfless service to our entrepreneurs in August 2021. We say a very big thank you and we wish you a super fabulous September 2021.  We will be happy to receive your feedback on the sessions, the entrepreneurs, our staff and other suggestions. This would help us improves the delivery of our services and our commitment to improving lives and business. Please send an email to [email protected]  

Let's Connect on Social Media! ðŸ˜Š
